Ok so DATASTORM is over and we’re completely blown away by all the positive feedback! More than a few people say it’s the best demoparty they ever went to. Good to hear that our hard work with bizarre details paid off, even if some of you were a bit reluctant to submit your entry into Mr. Submission’s back parts…
So now we did two DATASTORMs in 7 months. The next DATASTORM will be in the summer of 2018, so there’s enough time for you to dive deep into your data and finish all those compo entries!
And of course – congratulations to all the winners in the compos! Full results are here, and contributions are here: C64, Amiga, Misc.
Finally, thanks to:
- Sky & Palle Dahlstedt for helping out with the barrel organ
- Totenfrau for popcorn and construction, Carin O for the logotype
- Truckstop for being the bestest, Anders for decoration and props
- Alexandra Dahlqvist for arm wrestling the shit out of us
- Elektron for mad fresh drum machine prizes
- Raycore for bringing Chris Huelsbeck
- Chris Huelsbeck for his talk and his compo winner
- Mahoney for an A+ interview of Chris on stage
- K12, The Baron, Conqueror, Bacchus, Bob & Hedning for amazing talks
- Tentakel, Zabutom, Optiroc and Sm0gtom80 for the music
- Renata for telling our misfortune
- The Toilet for an amazing bloody opening ceremony
- Fairlight, G*P, PACiF!C, and Boozoholics for invitros
- Todi for domain fixing
- sLASH for the Mr. Submission action
- Bjoppen for on-site in-action
- SceneSat for sharing the party with the world
- And to all the visitors, supporters and fans. ♥
If you don’t want to miss out on the next storm, stay up-to-date on Facebook and Twitter.
Send your photos and videos to photos@datastorm.party.